Javascript is Ideal for fog computing

Fog computing is a pardigm where computation happens on several local devices rather than on cloud. JavaScript is a good programmin langauge for implementing fog computing frameworks.

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Fog computing is eventually going to replace pure play cloud computing as computing power becomes ubiquitous. The number of IoT enabled devices is growing exponentially and cloud infrastructure cannot match the growth. Also cloud, with the internet overhead, is not ideal for certain applications.

With fog computing exploding, Javascript is going to lead the programming language race. Unlike Java or Python, Javascript is already present in most devices as part of browsers or hybrid apps or node servers. Javascript is fairly easy to understand, it is light weight and flexible to use. Surprisingly its much faster than Python (may be not as fast as Java though). Javascript has already become the language of Web 2.0. Javascript also has enough funding from big tech given most of their apps run on it. Javascript ties in well with http protocol and most popular data exchange formats: JSON.

From a programming paradigm perspective, Javascript can support imperative, object-oriented and functional paradigms. Thus it can accommodate a wide variety of developer mindsets.

The usecases JavaScript can address on edge devices are endless. To name a few categories:

  1. Augmented Reality
  2. Machine Learning
  3. Robotics
  4. Scientific Computing
  5. Financial Computing
  6. Data Visualization
  7. Blockchain Interaction

I’m building a set of Javascript libraries that can help in computationally intensive tasks, which can be used in a fog computing framework. Checkout the git repository: You can easily experiment in JavaScript using tool that I’m building called JavaScript Notebook of simply JSNB.