Using Large Language Models (LLM) in the Browser with WebLLM

With WebLLM, you can bring AI to your web applications without needing a backend, making it a powerful tool for building private, responsive, and portable AI-powered solutions.

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Running Large Language Models (LLMs) directly in the browser is now possible, thanks to WebLLM, which leverages WebGPU and other modern browser technologies. This brings powerful AI capabilities to client-side applications without the need for a backend, ensuring privacy, low latency, and portability. In this article, we’ll explore how to set up and use WebLLM in a browser-based JavaScript application, including examples of how to run a model, handle chat completions, and enable streaming responses.

What is WebLLM? #

WebLLM allows you to run LLMs directly in the browser using WebGPU. This eliminates the need for cloud-based APIs, reducing latency and ensuring that no data is sent to external servers. WebLLM supports a variety of models, and you can integrate it with any modern browser that supports WebGPU.

Key Benefits of WebLLM: #

  • Privacy: All computations happen on the client side.
  • No Backend: There’s no need for API calls or server-side processing.
  • Portability: WebLLM works across multiple platforms, including mobile devices.
  • Streaming Support: You can stream AI model responses in real-time, creating more dynamic interactions.

Code Exmaples #

Let’s walk through how to use WebLLM in a web application.

Step 1: Include WebLLM via CDN #

To get started, you can include WebLLM using a CDN for easy access:

import * as webllm from "";

Alternatively, you can dynamically import WebLLM:

const webllm = await import ("");

Step 2: Create MLCEngine and Load a Model #

Most of the operations in WebLLM are carried out through the MLCEngine interface. You need to create an instance of MLCEngine and load a model. Below is an example of how to create an engine and load the model.

import { CreateMLCEngine } from "";

// Progress callback to track model loading
const initProgressCallback = (progress) => {
  console.log(`Model loading progress: ${progress}%`);

// Select the LLM model you want to load
const selectedModel = "Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-q4f32_1-MLC";

// Create and load the engine with the selected model
const engine = await CreateMLCEngine(selectedModel, {
  initProgressCallback: initProgressCallback, // Pass progress callback

Step 3: Run Chat Completions #

Once the model is loaded, you can invoke chat completions similar to how you’d interact with OpenAI’s GPT models. Here’s an example of how to run a basic chat completion.

const messages = [
  { role: "system", content: "You are a helpful AI assistant." },
  { role: "user", content: "What is the capital of France?" },

// Get the AI's response
const reply = await{ messages });

This code sends a message to the model and logs the AI’s response (in this case, “Paris”).

Step 4: Enable Streaming Responses #

WebLLM supports streaming, allowing the AI to generate responses in chunks. This can be useful for long responses where you want real-time feedback.

const messages = [
  { role: "system", content: "You are a helpful AI assistant." },
  { role: "user", content: "Can you explain how the internet works?" },

// Enable streaming for real-time response
const chunks = await{
  stream: true, // Enable streaming
  temperature: 0.7,

let response = "";
for await (const chunk of chunks) {
  response += chunk.choices[0]?.delta.content || "";
  console.log(response); // Output partial responses in real-time

In this example, the response will be streamed in parts, allowing the browser to display each part of the answer as it’s generated.

Conclusion #

WebLLM makes it incredibly easy to run large language models in the browser, with full support for chat completions, streaming, and more. This allows for dynamic AI-powered web applications that offer both performance and privacy benefits.

Key Takeaways: #

  • Client-side Execution: LLMs run entirely within the browser, offering privacy and speed advantages.
  • Streaming Support: Real-time response generation adds interactivity to your application.
  • OpenAI-style Interface: WebLLM supports familiar chat APIs, making it easy to integrate into existing projects.