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Introduction #
In this bonus lesson, we’ll put together everything we’ve learned so far to create a dynamic web application for charting cryptocurrency prices using a public, free API. We’ll use Plotly.js to create a chart for an input crypto-currency. This lesson is the last of the tutorial : JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners
HTML Structure: #
Let’s start by setting up the HTML structure for our web application. We’ll include input fields for selecting the cryptocurrency symbol (e.g., bitcoin,ethereum etc) and a container for displaying the chart.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Cryptocurrency Price Chart</title>
<script src=""></script>
/* CSS styles for chart container */
#chart {
width: 800px;
height: 400px;
margin: 20px auto;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
<h1>Cryptocurrency Price Chart</h1>
<label for="cryptoSymbol">Enter Cryptocurrency Symbol (e.g., bitcoin, ethereum):</label>
<input type="text" id="cryptoSymbol" >
<button id="loadButton">Load Chart</button>
<div id="chart"></div>
<script src="script.js"></script>
Copy the above code into text editor and save it as index.html.
JavaScript (script.js): #
To generate the graph and display, we will create a function that fetches the data for a particular currency. We will attach it to the click event of the “Load Chart” button.
We will use the following concepts discussed during the course:
to get the name of the crypt-currency from inputfetch
for getting data from APIresponse.json
for converting the API output to an object..then
for asynchronous process..forEach
for running a loop.push
for pushing a value into an array.addEventListener
to attach a function to a click event
We will also use a special function Date to convert a timestamp to a date and we will use Plotly.newPlot - a function to plot data into a chart. This comes in the library Plotly loaded in the HTML above.
function drawGraph(){
// Fetch cryptocurrency data from API
let currencySymbol = document.getElementById('cryptoSymbol').value.toLowerCase();
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
return response.json();
.then(data => {
// Process data
const cryptoSymbol = document.getElementById('cryptoSymbol').value.toLowerCase();
const prices = [];
const timestamps = [];
//Run a loop across the price points and extract the time and price
timestamps.push(new Date(data_point[0]));
//Create data in the format required for Plotly
let chartData = [{
x: timestamps,
y: prices,
type: 'line'
//Additional items on the graph
let layout = {
title: `Cryptocurrency Chart for ${currencySymbol}`,
xaxis: { title: 'Date' },
yaxis: { title: 'Price (USD)' }
Plotly.newPlot('chart', chartData, layout);
.catch(error => {
// Handle errors if API request fails
console.error('There was a problem fetching cryptocurrency data:', error);
Add the below line to the script file for attaching the function to the click event of the button.
document.getElementById('loadButton').addEventListener('click', drawGraph);
Copy the above two pieces of code into a text and editor and save this file as script.js in the same folder where you have saved index.html. Now double click and open index.html in the browser. Enter “bitcoin” in the input field and click the “Load Chart” button. Voila! You have your first web-app ready.
Explanation #
- We listen for the click event on the “Load Data” button and retrieve the user-input cryptocurrency symbol.
- We then fetch cryptocurrency data for the specified symbol from the CoinGecko API.
- If the fetch operation is successful, we extract price data and timestamps from the response.
- We create a Plotly chart using the extracted data, specifying the x-axis (timestamps) and y-axis (prices).
- The chart is then displayed in the <div id="chart"></div> element.
- If there’s an error during the fetch operation, we log it to the console for debugging.
Summary #
By integrating dynamic import, API usage, and the Plotly library, we’ve created an interactive cryptocurrency charting tool. Users can input a cryptocurrency symbol, and our application dynamically fetches and visualizes its price data. This example demonstrates how to leverage modern web development techniques to create powerful and user-friendly data visualization applications. This application use various concepts discussed through out the course and gives the learners a handson problem to learn.